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Immunomonitoring made simple




Estimated lead time for TruCulture Tube Delivery is 6-8 Weeks from receipt of PO, signed contract where applicable, and Shipping Form (2 weeks for LPS and Null Tubes which are routinely kept in stock). 


To co-develop TruCulture tubes of interest, please contact us. RBM can evaluate your stimuli of interest for sterility, solubility, dose response, short and long-term stability, and reproducibility.

782-001277 Interferon beta (IFN-beta) Type I interferon, modulator of for example T lymphocyte responses Cytokine
782-001278 Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) + tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-alpha) 2 synergistically acting pro-inflammatory cytokines (weak to modest immune cell activation) Cytokine
782-001295 TNF-alpha Pro-inflammatory cytokine; weak activator of mediator synthesis when used alone Cytokine
782-001086 Null Pure (proprietary) TruCulture media without stimulants Negative Control
782-001291 NegCo TruCulture media without stimulants, specially formulated for premium and custom tubes Negative Control including custom excipients
782-001272 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) + Lipopolysaccharide (LPS-EB) ATP modulates via purinergic receptors (such as P2X7) LPS-induced activation of cells of the innate part of the immune system NLRP3 Inflammasome / TLR4 Ligand
782-001273 Lauroyl-γ-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelic acid (C12-iE-DAP) Dipeptide representing bacterial peptido-glycan, activator of NOD1 (intracellular pattern recognition receptor) NOD Ligand
782-001259 Zymosan ß-glucan particles (fractions of yeast cell walls); triggers phagocytosis via TLR2, Dectin, and CD11/18 Phagocyte activator
782-001275 HKEB Heat killed preparation of the gram negative bacterium, E. Coli O111:B4. Triggers phagocytosis via TLR2, TLR4, and various others Phagocyte activator
782-001125 anti-CD3 + anti-CD28 Two antibodies triggering T-cell activation via the signaling unit of the T-cell receptor complex (CD3) + co-activation (intensifying T-cell responses, adding activities of Th2 and Treg) via CD28 T-Cell activation
782-001202 anti-CD3 T-cell activation via the signaling unit of the T-cell receptor complex (CD3) T-Cell activation
782-001416 TStim TCR-MHC cross-linking Mabs plus co-stim T-Cell activation
782-001274 Fibroblast-Stimulating
Lipopeptide (FSL-1)
Synthetic analogue of microbial
lipoprotein; agonist of TLR2/TLR6
TLR2 Ligand
782-001282 Polyinosinic : polycytidylic acid (Poly I:C) Analogue of double-stranded RNA, mimics the presence of viral infection. Activator of TLR3 TLR3 Ligand
782-001087 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Bacterial endotoxin (E.coli, O55:B5) that elicits a strong innate immune response TLR4 Ligand
782-001261 LPS-EB Bacterial endotoxin (E.coli, O111:B4) that elicits a strong innate immune response TLR4 Ligand
782-001455 LPS+TStim Bacterial edotoxin (E.coli, O55:B5) that elicits a strong innate response in addition to a T cell response by crosslinking the T cell receptor and MHC on monocytes/macrophages TLR4 Ligand +
T cell receptor ligand
782-001269 Gardiquimod Synthetic agonist of TLR7 (responding to single-stranded RNA, for example) TLR7 Ligand
782-001264 Resiquimod (R848) Synthetic agonist of TLR7 and TLR8 (both responding to single-stranded RNA) TLR7/8 Ligand