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Quanterix Simoa-based services

Quanterix® Simoa®-based services

Rules-Based Medicine (RBM),  Solutions company, began building ultrasensitive immunoassays on the Simoa platform in 2014. This platform measures individual proteins at concentrations up to 1000 times lower than previous immunoassay options, allowing our team to quantify protein biomarkers that would have previously been undetectable.


RBM builds our ultrasensitive immunoassays in-house and performs them as singleplex assays. We apply our multi-step quality process to ensure that our Simoa-based assays deliver high precision and unprecedented sensitivity, even when a protein biomarker is only present at extremely low values in plasma or serum.


Our Simoa-based assays are validated according to clinical laboratory standards and provide ultrasensitive measurement of biomarkers, achieving orders-of-magnitude greater sensitivity than conventional immunoassay platforms.


We currently offer nearly 50 Simoa-based assays, with ongoing expansion to develop and validate new markers that are clinically significant to support unmet needs in therapeutic development.


For Simoa-based services, serum and plasma are the most common sample types, but we can also analyze other biological fluids including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), urine, tissue culture supernatants, bronchoalveolar lavage, synovial fluid, tissue extracts, tears, and skin washings.


Review our bibliography to see how our assays have supported hundreds of peer-reviewed papers.

View our menu of Simoa-based assays
See our full list of assays across platforms