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Founded in 2007, Quanterix has developed an ultra-sensitive diagnostic platform capable of measuring individual proteins at concentrations 1000 times lower than the best immunoassays available today.


The Single Molecule Array (Simoa™) technology at the heart of the platform enables the detection and quantification of biomarkers previously difficult or impossible to measure, opening up new applications to address significant commercial unmet needs in life science research, in-vitro diagnostics, companion diagnostics, blood screening, and more.


Quanterix is a venture capital backed company and the exclusive licensee of a broad intellectual property portfolio initially developed at Tufts University by Dr. David Walt, scientific founder of Quanterix and Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN).


RBM is a collaborator on the Institut Pasteur’s research project Milieu Interieur (the environment within), funded through a LabEx grant from the French government. The Milieu Interieur project will take an unprecedented look at the human immune system using RBM’s TruCulture® system for blood collection and culture of an estimated 40,000 samples.


About Milieu Interieur Project

The Milieu Interieur project is an ambitious population based study supported by the French National Ministry of Research and being coordinated by the Institut Pasteur, Paris. A federation of renowned researchers and clinicians from Institut Pasteur, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) will integrate cutting-edge technology from a number of scientific disciplines including immunology, genomics, molecular biology and bioinformatics to establish the parameters that characterize the immune system of healthy individuals. Insightful analysis of this research will forge a direct path toward personalized medicine – tailoring the right therapeutic strategy for the right person at the right time.


About Institut Pasteur

Louis Pasteur created the Institut Pasteur in 1887 as a private non-profit foundation that rapidly became world-renowned for its biomedical research. The main aim of the Institut Pasteur is understanding and preventing diseases throughout the world through excellent scientific and public health research, teaching and other activities. Together with its major contribution to a deeper understanding of fundamental aspects of life, the Institut Pasteur continues to devote a large part of its efforts to infectious diseases, inherited disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers. Close to 2,400 people work on its main campus in Paris, which is at the heart of an international network of 32 research institutes on 5 continents. Over the years, 10 Institut Pasteur researchers have received the Nobel Prize.