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Duration: 45 minutes

This a webinar features a collaboration of Rules-Based Medicine, a Q2 Solutions Company (formerly Myriad RBM) and NanoString® technologies Investigating the Human Immune Response with RBM’s TruCulture® System & NanoString® nCounter® Autoimmune Profiling Panel

In this webinar, we describe a protocol and application using RBM’s TruCulture system and NanoString’s nCounter gene expression profiling to generate transcriptional and proteomic profiles of blood from healthy donors stimulated with a cytokine or pathogen associated molecule.

Topics covered in the webinar:
Applying the TruCulture blood collection and culture system for immune monitoring
Protocol for isolating RNA from TruCulture samples for analysis using the NanoString nCounter Autoimmune Profiling gene expression panel



Anne Hwang, PhD

Scientist III
RBM, Inc.

Shen-An (Anne) Hwang joined Rules-Based Medicine, a Q2 Solutions Company (formerly Myriad RBM) in January 2018 to support the TruCulture® platform technology and contribute to advancements in areas of production application and clinical diagnostic platform development. Prior to joining RBM, she was an assistant professor at the University of Texas McGovern Medial School at Houston specializing in immunopathology and vaccine/adjuvant development. She obtained her PhD (2006) in immunology from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.



Nathan Elliott, PhD

Scientist II

Nathan Elliott has been a research scientist with NanoString Technologies since 2007. His focus has been in the areas of new application development, proof-of-concept studies and customer support. Prior to working at NanoString, he was a Senior Fellow at the University of Washington. He earned a Ph.D in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology in 2004 from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, in Worcester MA.



Watch the Recorded Webinar