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(+01) 512 835 8026

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RBM supports testing using two platforms

  • Multiplexed Multi Analyte Profile (MAP) platform
    • Measure dozens to 100s of proteins simultaneously
    • Menu of 300+ immunoassays spread across 50+ validated multiplexes
    • Run selected markers in parallel using a unique liquid handling platform, allowing us to process dozens of multiplexes at the same time.
  • Simoa platform
    • Measure proteins with ultrahigh sensitive assays designed to quantify proteins found at low abundance
    • Select from a menu of 40+ ultrasensitive immunoassays
    • Sensitivity 10-1000 times more sensitive than MAP assays

All assays are developed, manufactured and validated internally at RBM and are ready for testing clinical samples under rigorous QC criteria in our CLIA certified lab.

A full listing of available biomarkers can be found here, or please complete the form with your requested biomarkers and we’ll send a quote.


Definition of a multiplex: A multiplex is an assay that simultaneously quantifies multiple protein analytes in a single run of the assay. Individual multiplexes typically contain 4-16 assays.